Owlstone technology brings laboratory-performance chemical detection to the battlefield and homeland.
Redefining Chemical Detection
Protecting the soldier from exposure to chemical threats has been one of Owlstone’s primary focuses. The development of our technology for the detection of chemical warfare agents has been funded by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the US DOD’s Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense, and the UK Ministry of Defense.
The technology detects and identifies nerve agents, blister agents, blood agents, and toxic industrial chemicals. Owlstone develops products in collaboration with some of the most respected names in chemical detection and analysis; from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies and independent test laboratories.
Detection for Evolving Threats
Our technology delivers an unprecedented combination of sensitivity selectivity and rapid response time – putting the most accurate threat information in the hands of the user. At the heart of our technology is a revolutionary micron-scale ion spectrometer, which responds to the whole range of chemical threats faced by today’s soldier and first responder. Owlstone chemical detection systems provide complete coverage across the board for military and civilian chemical threat protection.
Owlstone chemical detectors are based on a proprietary, micron-scale ion-filtering technology.
The ion filters are rapidly and precisely tunable, enabling a new level of detection and identification performance for hand-held, portable, and fixed-site systems.
Advanced control software and data processing algorithms provide re-configurable alarm capability, allowing systems to keep pace with changing chemical threats without hardware modification.
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