How is ion mobility being used?

Published on 02 Jun 17

We wanted to find out more about how researchers are using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) in their work. To investigate this, we performed an analysis of keywords contained in the titles of journal papers published in the last five years. We started by searching for papers published in the last half decade on Web of Science using the term "ion mobility spectrometry". Using a text analysis tool, we counted the number of times each word appeared across all of the titles of the papers returned by our search.

Having removed common english words such as " the " and " of ", we generated a word cloud using the data, in which more frequently used words appear larger (Figure 1).

FAIMS keyword analysis
Figure 1. Keyword analysis of the titles of IMS papers published in the last 5 years. Click here for a bigger version

We also conducted a similar analysis of papers that used field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS)  in the last five years (Figure 2). Did you spot any topics in that you weren't expecting?

You can also read about the predicted future applications of IMS in our ebook -  IMMS: The Next Five Years , written by leaders in the field.

FAIMS wordle
Figure 2. Keyword analysis of the titles of FAIMS papers published in the last 5 years. Click here for a bigger version .


IMMS ebook CTA