FAIMS and Traveling Wave keyword analysis

Published on 11 Jul 12

Here is a quick analysis of the published journal articles from studies that used either FAIMS-MS (a.k.a. DMS-MS) or Traveling Wave-MS techniques. For each set of papers we took the titles and analysed the text for common words to see if there were particular research areas in which the two techniques were used more commonly.

This keyword frequency data was visualized using Wordle , a free Java based text visualisation program. Wordle produces images in which more frequently used words in text are displayed in a larger font size, indicating which words are more common. Wordle automatically removes very common English words such as "the" and "if" and we also removed some of the more frequently used scientific words in the titles such as "ion" and "mobility". So what did we find? Well take a look for yourself...

FAIMS keyword cloud

Travelling wave keyword analysis