ReCIVA is a Game-Changing Technology - BI&T article

Published on 21 Mar 17

Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology - Game Changing Technologies cover

ReCIVA and Breath Biopsy were featured as "Game Changing" technologies in the March/April Issue of Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology (BI&T). The article was the magazine's cover story, which profiled " 10 game-changing enterprise systems, medical and assistive devices, and commercial and consumer technologies with crossover applications in healthcare ". BI&T is published by Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). Here is the relevant text:

" A slew of noninvasive diagnostic products are entering the market that are both accurate and comfortable for patients. Products in this category can extend the reach of healthcare to nontraditional settings and to populations that otherwise might not have access to it. Here are two examples.

ReCIVA (Respiration Collector for In Vitro Analysis) is a diagnostic and monitoring breathalyzer that reliably and reproducibly captures breath samples for chemical analysis. The device collects biomarkers for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by the body. "The pattern of VOC biomarkers produced by the body reflect metabolic processes taking place within a person's cells and tissues, within their microbiome, and from their response to environmental exposures," according to Owlstone Medical the British company that makes the ReCIVA breath sampler.

Specific diseases, including cancer and infectious and inflammatory diseases exhibit particular VOC patterns. Detecting changes in the concentrations of VOCs, using a 'Breath Biopsy', can enable clinicians to detect diseases in their early stages, which is the best time for successful treatment. ReCIVA is currently being used for Lung Cancer Indicator Detection (LuCID), the world's largest breath-based clinical trial for early cancer detection in the United Kingdon and Europe. [Article continues] "